medicine of Dark Circles Under the Eyes

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Effective medicine for discharge of dark circles under the eyes must be directed at the underlying cause of the dark circles. Millions of population complain of dark circles under the eyes but the underlying cause of the dark circles varies greatly. Treatments for dark circles that do not definite the underlying cause of the dark circle do not work. There is an incredible array of treatments for dark circles together with cucumber slices, tea bags, vanishing creams, bleaching creams, lasers, surgery, more sleep, avoid Tv and computer, drink 2 liters of water a day etc, yet few of these regimens seem to be directed at the underlying cause of the dark circles under the eyes.

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How is medicine of Dark Circles Under the Eyes

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Wilmington Surgery Center.

To great understand the medicine of dark circles under the eyes I will discuss the assorted types of dark circles under the eyes that I encounter in my plastic surgery custom and my insight of the cause of the dark circles, and what I feel is the most productive medicine to remove the dark circles under the eyes.

Understand that the eyelid skin appears darker than the surrounding facial skin in all people-this is the normal condition and is caused by shadows created by the overhanging brow and the fact that the eyelid skin is much thinner than the surrounding facial skin. Below I am talking about exaggerated dark circles under the eyes that cause population to be unhappy with their appearance.

Causes of Dark Circles under the Eyes

Thin Eyelid Skin

The eyelid skin is the thinnest in the body and many population with dark circles under the eyes have extremely thin skin on their eyelids and colse to the eyes. This thin skin is an inherited trait. The dark circles under the eyes are caused by the fact that the purple color of the underlying eyelid muscle shows through the thin skin and creates a bluish or purple color. The color is darkest near the nose and on the lower eyelid near the nose.

Treatment of dark circles under the eyes caused by thin skin is very difficult because it is very difficult to make your inherited skin thicker. Cover up make up like Jayne Iredale Eye Cover, Dermablend, and Covermark are very helpful and my first recommendation. Frequent microdermabrasion and Retin A cream over a long duration of time will build new collagen in the dermis will thicken the skin and furnish some improvement.

There are new lasers on the horizon which are very productive at stimulating new increase of collagen in the dermis and these new technologies may prove very beneficial. Be sure to sign up for my free newsletter to be informed when these new technologies are available.

The Arcus Deformity discussed below creates a very severe dark circle in population with thin eyelid skin and improvement of the Arcus deformity with Arcus publish and fat grafting can be very helpful medicine for dark circles under the eye in these individuals.

Prominent Eyelid Blood vessels and Veins

Everyone has veins and blood vessels called capillaries in their eyelid skin. In many population any way the veins are very prominent and the blood vessels add to the dark color of the eyelid.

To diagnose this cause of dark circles look in a mirror with thoughprovoking light on your face and gently pull the skin of the lower eyelid tight. You will see many tiny branching red and blue lines which characterize blood vessels.

You need blood vessels and veins to keep your eyelid salutary and alive. any way when there is an plenty of smaller vessels which create a bluish or purplish hue to the lower eyelid some new Ipl (Intense Pulsed Light) or laser therapies can be used to treat dark circles under the eyes in population with an excess of small capillaries and blood vessels. The very large veins cannot be treated.

Laser blood vessel medicine is a serious and potentially perilous medicine for dark circles under the eyes and must be performed by a doctor who is experienced in the use of lasers and Ipl. Most importantly the eye must be protected by placing a shield over the eye while medicine so that the laser or Ipl light cannot hit the eye. The laser and Ipl light can damage the retina and destroy vision if the beams hit the unprotected eye.

Pigmentation of the Eyelids

Hyper pigmentation, too much pigment in the skin of the eyelid is a very coarse cause of dark circles under the eyes. medicine of dark circles under the eyes caused by hyper pigmentation is very effective, but the pigment oftentimes returns after sun exposure.

Hyper pigmentation of the lower eyelids occurs because of sun exposure and arresting with sun block, sun glasses, and a hat are the most prominent first medicine for this type of dark circles under the eyes.

The medicine of hyper pigmentation begins with bleaching creams such as a combination of Retin A and 4% Hydroquinone, Obagi Blender 5, Epiquin or other designate bleaching cream combined with microdermabrasion.

After the above treatments have lessened the pigmentation causing the dark circles under the eyes, if significant I march to Ipl (Intense Pulsed Light) treatments. These treatments do effectively remove pigment causing the dark circle but again experience and eye security are very significant to forestall eye injury.

Hollow Eyes

Many population have a deep hollow below the lower eyelid which creates a dark shadow below the eyelid which population call dark circles under the eyes.

This deep hollow below the lower eyelid is caused by an inherited insufficiency of fat and or bone and medicine of this type of dark circle under the eye requires surgery.

The hollow eye occurs more generally in population from Central Asia and the Middle East but it undoubtedly occurs in all races and from population in all regions of the world.

To treat dark circles under the eyes in population who have hollow eyes I do a laser policy called an Arcus Marginalis publish and fat grafting. The Arcus Marginalis is a structure which tethers the lower eyelid to the bone and creates a dark circle when the eyelid skin above the dark circle falls over the dark circle creating a shadow. Releasing the Arcus Marginalis releases the eyelid skin and eliminates the crease or dark circle.

I then transplant fat to fill the hollow in the bone and plump the dark circle and definite the hollow eye appearance.

Usually, to treat the dark circle under the eyes caused by the hollow eye I have to take fat from colse to the belly button on the abdomen to have sufficient fat to adequately fill the hollow eye deformity. The incision to remove the fat is well inexpressive down inside the belly button and is ordinarily not visible.

Treatment of dark circles under the eyes caused by the hollow eye ordinarily takes me 45 minutes to an hour, can be done with you asleep or awake, and recovery is ordinarily 10 days. Patients do not complain of pain afterwards. The main recovery is waiting for bruising to go away and blurred vision from eye ointment that I have you use for the first week or two. Most importantly after this medicine you need to be calm, rest and not exert yourself. Working out or heavy lifting can raise your blood pressure and cause bleeding. Although you will be up and colse to the first few days with sunglasses to cover your bruising, I do not want you to exercise or lift heavy objects for at least 2 weeks.

The Arcus Deformity-the True dark Circle under the Eye

The most coarse cause of dark circles under the eyes in patients who seek medicine of dark circles under the eyes in my plastic surgery custom is the Arcus Deformity.

The Arcus Deformity is a dark crescent shaped circle or depression which occurs below the lower eyelid starting beside the nose in the angle of the eye and running out toward the side of the face and curving upward towards the outside angle of the eye.

The Arcus Deformity is caused by the fact that a small structure below the lower eyelid called the Arcus Marginalis is attached to the bone of the eye socket and also attached to the lower eyelid from underneath. This attachment tethers or holds the eyelid close to the bone of the eye socket while the rest of the lower eyelid is loose and free to move. The normal fat which is below the eyeball pushes out against the lower eyelid which creates a visible bulge on the lower eyelid. You can see this by conclusion one eye and gently pressing on the finished eye. With your other eye you will see the bulging of the fat against the finished lower eyelid on the other side.

The eyelid skin that is tethered by the Arcus Marginalis cannot move or bulge, and as the fat bulges the lower eyelid above the Arcus Marginalis it creates a shadow or dark circle below the eyelid where the Arcus Marginalis is attached to the lower eyelid skin. This is the true dark circle under the eyes.

As we age and our eyelid skin becomes loose or lax, the eyelid skin also falls or sags over the depression caused by the Arcus deformity and the dark circle gets worse. With aging and excess protrusion of fat against the lower eyelid the Arcus deformity can become quite pronounced.

The Arcus Deformity is the true dark circle under the eye and I use the term Arcus Deformity to differentiate it from the Tear Trough Deformity which is different. The Tear Trough Deformity starts near the angle of the eye in the same location as the Arcus Deformity but the Tear Trough Deformity runs down into the cheek rather than up toward the outside angle of the eye.

The Tear Trough Deformity is a sign of industrialized facial aging and is caused by the sagging or descent of the cheek into the middle of the face which occurs with facial aging in your 50's and 60's. Tears run down the cheek and out the side of the face through the Tear Trough instead of level down the cheek as they do in a child.

By difference the Arcus Deformity occurs in much younger patients together with children. Most population seeking medicine for dark circles under the eyes in my plastic surgery custom are in their 20's and 30's. Doctors often misdiagnose the Arcus Deformity as the Tear Trough Deformity which is a major problem if a Tear Trough Implant is used to treat the dark circle. The Tear Trough Implant is designed to plump or definite the depression in the cheek out toward the side of the face, and in my experience the Tear Trough Implant cannot adequately definite the dark circle under the eye where it is deepest, near the angle of the lower eyelid near the nose.

The medicine for dark circles under the eyes caused by the Arcus Deformity must include publish of the Arcus Marginalis and fat repositioning or fat grafting to plump the area of the dark circle.

The original plastic surgery medicine for eyelid rejuvenation called the blepharoplasty, while which fat is removed, can undoubtedly make dark circles under the eyes worse and create a hollowed eye appearance.

Treatment of dark circles under the eyes that are caused by the Arcus deformity requires a contemporary blepharoplasty arrival which includes publish of the Arcus Marginalis and fat repositioning or fat grafting.

I use a very specific medicine for dark circles under the eyes called the transconjunctival blepharoplasty with Arcus publish and fat grafting. This medicine is done through a tiny incision on the inside of the eyelid called a transconjunctival incision because it goes through the conjunctiva, the pink tissue on the inside of the lower eyelid. I also use the laser to make this incision.

The benefits of the laser transconjunctival incision are:

1. No visible scar or incision on the outside of the eyelid

2. No change in the shape of the lower eyelid-the original scalpel blepharoplasty through an external incision ordinarily weakens the lower eyelid and causes a sad eyed look

3. Less bleeding while surgery

4. Less bruising after surgery

5. Quicker recovery

My results following medicine of dark circles under the eyes with the laser transconjunctival blepharoplasty with Arcus Marginalis publish and fat grafting have been very successful. Most patients have recovered within a week and many who do not bruise are comfortable being seen with make up after 5 days.

Summary- medicine of Dark Circles under the Eyes

To summarize, productive medicine of dark circles under the eyes requires that you definite the problem that is causing the dark circle under the eye. To accomplish this you must understand what type of dark circle under the eye you have and what is causing it. The following is a overview table:

Thin eyelid skin-Retin A, microdermabrasion, laser?

Prominent Eyelid Blood Vessels-Ipl, Laser

Pigmentation of the Eyelid-Bleaching creams, Ipl, laser, Microdermabrasion

Hollow Eyes-Arcus Marginalis publish and fat Grafting

Arcus deformity-Transconjunctival laser Blepharoplasty with Arcus publish and fat grafting or repositioning

Treatment of dark circles under the eyes is possible; the key is insight the underlying cause of your dark circles. With allowable diagnosis and medicine of dark circles under the eyes caused by the Arcus deformity beautiful results can be achieved with the transconjunctival Arcus publish and fat grafting.

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